i did not realize at the time I was df what was going on only when I got a copy of the flock book from memory one instruction was don't have a judicial meeting unless your convinced the bro is guilty or words to that effect and that was my experience what they wanted was for me to accept their judgement and not defend my actions another section said not to attempt reproof Elder Les Holden did, got egg on his face with my reply I was then quickly sent out the room 5 minutes later called back in to be told I was DF and my wife to be publicly reproved then this GLORIOUS bastard PRINCE counselled my wife not to have anything to do with me of a spiritual nature setting in motion for her the fear of not simply spiritual endangerment but absolute later when giving council to my 10 year old son he offered to help him with any future talks because as he told him he no longer had a father THANKS LES you did me a favour Cause this experience led me to the ttat after 30 years of remaining loyal despite all the red flags
Luo bou to
JoinedPosts by Luo bou to
Walking away will get you D/Fed
by Drifting Away insomeone just told my wife, that those who are just leaving organization or not going anymore will be dfed, has anyone read that or heard of that?
i have seen nothing of that, and according to jackson at royal commission, we are free to go as we please...
JWs Harass their old members
by StephaneLaliberte inwhile i am presently under training, i was looking at the definition of harassment in the work place according to the ontario (canada) government and found that, among the listed items, some of these could very well apply to the jws!.
preventing a person from expressing himself or herself: yelling at the person; threatening; constantly interrupting that person; prohibiting the person from speaking to others.. making rude, degrading or offensive remarks.. discrediting the person by spreading malicious gossip or rumours, ridiculing him/her, humiliating him/her, calling into question his/her convictions or his/her private life, shouting abuse at him/her.. isolating the person by no longer talking to him or her, denying or ignoring his or her presence, distancing him or her from others.. destabilizing the person by making fun of his or her beliefs, values, political and/or religious choices, and mocking his or her weak points..
Luo bou to
I was called a bastard by one of my carers later she apologized I said don't be sorry you paid me a compliment cause you see me as a real person not simply a job that needs to be done we're good friends now steph if I may call you that the title of your thread could be considered harrasement of JW'S PUT a do in front of it pose it as a question rather than a statement of fact that can simply be dismissed as biased criticism or persecution OR excused GB member Jackson style well we're not as bad as the Catholics
You know it's the Truth, because it attracts crazy people.
by schnell ini wish i was kidding, but i have heard this idea suggested lately as a defense of the wts.
this is god's organization, even though it attracts crazy people, and because it attracts crazy people.
"unlettered and ordinary," et cetera.. i don't get it.
Luo bou to
WHEN I was a JW I was dogmatic and had all the answers re what I absolutely knew was true now I find the more I've learnt the less I know Confused by what i just said check out the thoughts expressed in a song I can fully relate to called Both sides now in keeping with the theme Who defines crazy? and how can I know if they are crazy or not? -
Beards - September 2016 Watchtower
by Listener inthe issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
Luo bou to
When questioned about my wearing a beard I simply asked them a question have you ever tried to shave when you have acne rarther than be condemned by the Elders I had their sympathy no I did not have acne but not one of them thought to ask me that AT the time they also questioned my habit of leaving the hall and standing out the back during the meeting usually had company another bro to talk to my question ever tried sitting for a long time when you have piles hameroids not sure of spelling soon after this one of the Elders came up beside me after a meeting and simply whispered vasalene what says I you know says he your sitting problem ya gotta love them they mean well but O so gullable
Hard to be completely respectful and the JW attitude
by scratchme1010 inrecently at work they conducted an mbti test for me.
for those who don't know, the mbti test is a personality test used by organizational psychologists in companies and organizations.
it is supposed to describe the best way you communicate, the best way of giving and receiving feedback, and for managers that test is supposed to explain to them the best way to manage their employees (i'm over simplifying, i know).. my profile came up as some kind of introvert (and when i was told that i said "what?
Luo bou to
recently the mother of my sons friend died what did Tom do he hugged him and openly cried with him so proud of him sharing our feelings and shedding tears re loss of loved ones is imho good for our emotional well being Don't know about the INTJ stuff you would need to talk to Tom about that he works as a psychologist in the emergency dep at the PA hospital here in Brisbane PS JW'S are being trained by ruthless psychopaths who by nature have no empathy for others they can fake it but they don't feel any Don't simply take my word for it Do the research
GRACE? GRACE? What the F*** is GRACE? Jehovah's Witnesses have no idea!
by TerryWalstrom ini think all of us ex-j-dubs have had the --i'll call it a privilege--to exchange views with others who think differently than we do.
we encounter "christians" from mainstream churches.our dialogue is sort of...like speaking to martians.sooner or later, an ex-dub smacks into a wall.
that wall is a subject which is never spoken about or taught by the gb or watchtower with any candor.
Luo bou to
the hynm amazing grace says it all re my subjective experience with grace note I said subjective not objective
Bro Knorrs Notes RE Disfellowshipping & Two Witness Rule
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
a fellow ex jw shared this with me.
haven't time to read them yet (i'm using my phone to go on internet).
Luo bou to
from memory the reason given when the person was named was conduct unbecoming a christian then later a talk would be given about a specific sin one that comes to mind was about loose conduct confirming the gossip cause conduct unbecoming was too broad a term to satify the gossips but a lot safer legally
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer init really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
Luo bou to
guys gals relax a believer can't hear you your wasting your time to understand his mindset there is a good article written by a highly acclaimed author on Randy's freemind's website titled What could be more appealing than an exclusive club run by GOD himself
upskirt voyeur a JW
by Luo bou to inreport was in nz news paper recently this guy had a camera attached to his witnessing bag so he could film up girls skirts hyperthetical can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the elders a measure of ones spirituality .
Luo bou to
report was in NZ news paper recently this guy had a camera attached to his witnessing bag so he could film up girls skirts hyperthetical Can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the Elders a measure of ones spirituality
Jehovahs Witnesses condemn Christian Religions .In reality Christian religions are Caring for Aged JW`s.
by smiddy inwho are looking after the aged and infirm jehovah`s witnesses ,?
its certainly not the organization known as the wtb&ts ./jehovahs witnesses religion .. and why is that ?
satans system of things with jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the dole for unemployed ,medical assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks.
Luo bou to
As Smiddy is aware I live in a church run nursing home Well I just asked one of my carers his impression of the jw's living here He said that they are very private people meaning that they don't relate on a personal level don't even preach to him As we know can't risk being friends with so called worldly people I think they would have to be suffering from cognative dissonance living here